Did you know that there is more to that phrase the flight attendants say “put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help others”? If you don’t take care of yourself first, you will be much less effective in your abilities to take care of others. Another common phrase is “don’t pour from an empty cup.”

As I study the habits of successful people, I notice that most successful people have figured this important concept out. They have figured out that if they truly love themselves they will invest time into their health and wellness  so that they have more energy and a better mood with less stress. They respect themselves enough to commit to regular self-care and mini vacations, even if it is a spa day at a local luxury hotel spa so that their mind is more clear and they can focus more on their tasks at hand and advancing their business, career, or relationship. 

Self love is the act of accepting and loving oneself.  Self love means respecting yourself and surrounding yourself with joy and manifesting abundance in all aspects of life. 

If you look closely at successful people, you will notice that “self love” is closely connected to “self care” which leads to attracting; money, health, relationships, clients, and abundance in almost all areas of life.  Self love lowers stress levels and reinstates a sense of calmness and control in our lives. 

So, now that you can recognize the habits for yourself you might be wondering HOW to go about the first steps to shift your life to one of more self love, self respect, emotional healing, and confidence. Here are some first steps that anyone can take to bring more self love into their life:

  1. Set boundaries. Say no to things/people who are not serving you or bringing you energy. This is easier for some than others, but you can do it! Don’t worry about hurting someone’s feelings. Just be kind, compassionate, and assertive. Protect your most valuable asset…time!

  2. Slow down. What is most important to you? Who is most important to you? What actions are leading to your goals and more importantly bringing you joy and energy? Do more of THAT! And invest less time or outsource things that are not bringing you joy or energy. This allows you to focus on what’s important as well as schedule rest so you can avoid burnout and achieve success.

  3. Celebrate you for you. Stop beating yourself up for something you did as a parent, as an employee, as a boss, with a client, or as a friend. Accept yourself with your strengths and weaknesses and realize that all people make mistakes. Forgive yourself and allow yourself the grace to be a human! Whenever you feel stuck thinking you’re not where you want to be, celebrate the positive qualities and success you’ve already achieved.

  4. Practice self care and practice it often! This one is my favorite. Get that monthly massage. Invest in that home sauna and use it daily while you meditate. Commit to that personal trainer and nutritionist that you have been avoiding. Sign up for sunset yoga classes. Take up a new hobby like hiking or painting.

  5. Express daily gratitude. Even the smallest things in life deserve some attention. Take a moment to enjoy the sunshine, a new blossom on a plant, a small joyful moment in your day. Don’t underestimate how powerful it is to look at the world through a lens of “glass half full” rather than half empty. Bonus point if you throw in some self affirmations along the way! It’s helpful if you journal or write down three things you’re grateful for each day in your planner.

Neuroscientists have been studying self love and success for decades. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have discovered that there is a direct correlation to self love and level of emotional resilience and success. People who are comfortable in their own skin, set boundaries, are intentional with their time, and invest in mind/body healing will propel much faster than those who beat themselves up and live in a state of stress and overwhelm. Research also demonstrates that gratitude reduces self-criticism and feelings of inadequacy, allowing us to be more forgiving of ourselves thereby decreasing stress and depression as well as improving overall peace of mind.

We all have 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year, we all just use our time differently. Will this be the year that you decide to love yourself more?  My husband and I have made some changes in the way we approach self love and self care this year and are already seeing the benefits! Connect with me on FB or IG and share your favorite self love or self care strategies with me! Heck, maybe we can schedule a spa afternoon and connect up in person! 


